May 17, 2011

Bloom's Taxonomy

The Bloom’s Taxonomy is a really good classification of some targets in education, such as knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation, these categories are helpful for teachers in order to plan theirs lessons, because following the chart it is easier to classify knowledge and how to achieve certain objectives, and for the same reason they are also important for the students.

An activity to follow the categories of the Bloom’s Taxonomy would be “Describing the function of a certain gadget” (so the gadget would be a last generation cell phone with a lot of new functions)

1.- Knowledge (the student must know the device and some of the functions of it, as well as specific terminology)

2.- Comprehension (the student must understand what he is about to explain so he could do it with his own words)

3.- Application (the student uses the information he has  gathered about the object to solve the problem of describing the device’s functions)

4.- Analysis ( we could ask the student about other gadgets with similar functions so he could analyse, classify, select, compare or identify other similar objects)

5.- Synthesis (we could ask the student if he thinks that there would be a way to improve the gadget, so he could invent, design or rearrange the device into something new)

6.- Evaluation (we could finally ask the student his position towards the gadget, if he thinks it is really necessary, yet useful the use of it or if that just another expensive piece of junk to waste our time, so the student could judge, choose, justify or even debate and argue)

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